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This year’s Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2024 only happens once every nine years

Stevie Bee

Thursday August 8, 2024 is a big deal. Both astrologically and  numerologically. It’s an 8-8-8 day, the eighth day of the eighth month in an eight year (2+0+2+4=8).  (While we have an 8-8 day every year, we only have an 8-8-8 day once every nine years.) Its numerology is pretty impressive this year — a 24, 8 day — a golden opportunity to focus on and build resource security (money!), general resilience and community. Given 8 is ambitious, determined  and relentless, we are being asked to be thorough in what we want to manifest. August 8 is known as The Lion’s Gate, a time when the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo, and when a new cycle unfurls for us to manifest and create together. More on that in a moment.


The thing with the number 8 is that it won’t let up. The dog that won’t let go of that bone. Lessons come on top of each other, so to speak. On such a day we’re reminded to remain focused on pushing through, staying the course. Everything is on the table. This is a day to gain wisdom and find balance; the pendulum may swing from side to side, but the challenge is to return to the centre — until it swings again because we’re always learning something and those lessons keep a-comin’! The 8 is big-stage energy, it plays out in big institutions such as government and business, and through the legal system, with a strong emphasis on justice: “rewards received, punishments due”, as the Chaldeans put it. Like the rest of 2024.

Now to the 24 part of August 8, 2024 — the Compound or karmic number of the whole day. This carries with it the vibration of Love-Wealth-Creativity. The focus is on power and with people of high rank and position, on financial security and manifesting success, and on achieving happiness in love. The energy of the day is highly magnetic. However, in such a luscious environment, the obligation is to be wary of self-indulgence and arrogance in general. It’s tempting to just let everything sail by. We are advised, though, not to be selfish or careless toward the deeper meanings and values: Share the love, share time with those close to you. If truth be told, this is what ultimately matters. And yet in our busyness, we often fail to appreciate it.

The Lion’s Gate

The Lion’s Gate Portal is the moment when Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and Earth. This happens when Sirius ‘rises’ or becomes visible again due to the Sun’s yearly passing of the star. Why is this significant? Well, Sirius — the Alpha star of the Canis Major constellation — is the brightest star in the sky and is astrologically considered to be a spiritual sun. It was an extremely important body to the Ancient Egyptians who referred to it as the goddess Sopdet. They used its annual rising to note when the Nile would begin its annual flood, feeding the land and bringing harvest and fertility. In astrology, Sirius brings wealth, abundance, fortune and fame. (Similar to the 24.) As such, our alignment with this auspicious body means it is an excellent time for manifestation. The breadth of the Lion’s Gate Portal period — a few weeks either side of the day — is considered spiritually significant. But, the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal falls on August 8, the date when the Sun is at the half way point of Leo, a season associated with boldness and confidence. Of course, the Sun is also the ruler of Leo. So in this moment, everything truly is in alignment physically and spiritually, astrologers say.

On the day itself

Take this opportunity to identify how you can share the love, so to speak; the good times with whom you are close. Think of those in your immediate circle and spread out from there to eventually embrace the whole world. Take care of each other, share meals and conversation and laughter. Relax. Speak your affirmations (what you want to enhance in your life) or manifestations (what you want or want to have happen) aloud, if you want to make the most of the affirmation or manifestation. Or you can say them silently to yourself or write them down, focusing on the words and exactly what you are creating with your words. The 8-8-8 is a time to manifest on many levels. Keep your eyes open, be clear with your intent (what you want), what will be best to create security in your life. Visualise what that looks like and then . . . walk through that gateway. After that, let all your expectations go and continue with your day.

When during the day?

Anytime will do, though to intensify the 8 energy, choose around 8am or 8pm wherever you are in the world. As best you can, ground yourself with your bare feet on the earth. Hopefully it’s warm and dry where you are!


Take advantage of help offered. It’s a day to share the love, so to speak. If you have good fortune, share it; if you’re lacking, be accepting when it’s offered. This is being played out on many levels at the same time, from your one-on-ones to the biggest institutions on the planet. And like all 8s, it is thorough and relentless. You have the power to enjoy this, whether giving or receiving. The main point is to be ready to love and be loved.

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